Take time for yourself, alone, as a couple, with friends or family
The "Calmeo" SPA and Sauna area is reserved for you

As a psychologist, I developed this concept of therapeutic relaxation space in a spirit of intimacy and respect for confidentiality. Each service is privatized individually, as a couple or with your child
Our Services
1 hr 15 min
50 euros1 hr 15 min
80 euros1 hr 15 min
50 euros1 hr 15 min
80 euros1 hr 15 min
115 euros2 hr 30 min
280 euros1 hr 15 min
80 euros45 min
80 euros45 min
60 euros45 min
65 euros1 hr
80 euros1 hr
90 euros1 hr 30 min
Selon la demande(Sur devis) Intervention en situation de crise : accident grave, décès,...
1 hr 30 min
Selon la demande1 hr 30 min
Selon la demande1 hr
80 euros1 hr
80 euros1 hr 45 min
125 euros1 hr 45 min
125 euros1 hr
80 euros45 min
60 euros

Click below to enjoy

Profitez de votre séance de SPA/Sauna privée chez Calmeo pour repartir avec des savons et des shampoings bio.
Sont disponibles les Savons BIO Solides Saponifiés à froid suivant :
Miel & Amande douce
Miel & Curcuma
Olive & Spiruline
Ricin & Calophylle
Ricin, miel & noyaux d'abricot
Ricin & Argan
Ricin & Jojoba
Sont disponibles les Shampoings BIO Solides Saponifiés à froid :
Shampoing Cheveux Fins
Shampoing Cheveux Secs
Vous pouvez les commander auprès de Terr'Agapé et venir les retirer sur Bourg en Bresse.

Management of behavioral disorders, anxiety and addictions.
Psychic care and detachment from trauma in medical hypnosis.
Consultation in water therapy: awakening of the senses and return to the original, conducive to depressive, phobic and social bonding disorders.
Catherine Lauterniet
Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Practitioner in Medical Hypnosis, Expert at the Court of Appeal of LYON, MASTER'S degree in psychology, MASTER II professional in clinical psychology and psychopathology
Management of behavioral disorders, anxiety and addictions.
Psychic care and detachment from trauma in medical hypnosis.
Consultation in water therapy: awakening of the senses and return to the original, conducive to depressive, phobic and social bonding disorders.
Accompaniment in companies: practice analysis group, management of traumatic events.
Available by appointment
at 06 17 84 41 44

Thomas Amber
Osteopath DO since 1997
Trainer at the Higher Institute of Osteopathy of Lyon
Trainer at the andrew taylor still academy (initial training) from 1998 to 2016.
Available by appointment
on 06 81 31 90 01
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